Cassava Value Chain is a resource dedicated to providing information and promoting sustainable development in the cassava industry.

We are committed to guiding cassava farmers, processors, and value chain actors to increase productivity, improve livelihoods, and drive economic growth.

We address systemic constraints through research-led initiatives, strengthen capacity, and sustain collaboration among cassava value chain stakeholders.

The mission of Cassava Value Chain is to facilitate the adoption of best practices, access to quality inputs, and improved processing technologies to get the best there can be in cassava by-products.

By encouraging high-yielding, disease-resistant cassava varieties and good agronomic practices, we aim to boost yields and enhance food security and cassava by-products.


At Cassava Value Chain, our mission is to empower cassava farmers, processors, and value chain actors to increase productivity, improve livelihoods, and drive economic growth. We bridge systemic constraints by forging and strengthening collaboration and promoting best practices and technology in cassava production.

Our goal is to enable smallholder cassava farmers and processors to increase their yield, earn more income, and employ more persons.

By facilitating access to improved varieties, quality inputs, and efficient processing equipment, we aim to unlock the full potential of the cassava value chain, enhancing food security and prosperity for all.